An Overview of Medical Cannabis: Uses, Benefits, and Legal Considerations

Dr. Melissa Singer and Dr. Lisa Rankin direct the Coastal Integrative Medicine practice in Stuart, FL. Our certified doctors are experienced, skilled, and licensed in pediatrics, family medicine, and oncology.

Our esteemed doctors know the value medical cannabis plays in the healing process of adults and pediatric patients who meet specific qualifications. They are here today to discuss with you the use of medical marijuana.

What is Medical Marijuana?

In prior years, marijuana was criminalized and many people did not acknowledge its medical value. However, research finds that the chemicals in the cannabis plant show significant success in treating specific conditions and eliminating or decreasing the symptoms of illness whereas other kinds of medicine sometimes fail or have worse side effects.  

This plant provides over 100 different chemicals known as cannabinoids. Each cannabinoid has a different effect on the body.

Uses of Medical Marijuana 

Medical marijuana is used to treat symptoms and not conditions. States where it is legal provide an extensive list of uses for medical marijuana.

  • Severe, chronic pain
  • MS, ALS, muscle spasms
  • Lessening symptoms of cancer treatment
  • Crohn's disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Epilepsy, seizures
  • Migraines
  • Anorexia
  • Wasting syndrome
  • IBS
  • PTSD


Active chemicals in marijuana replicate chemicals the human body makes that are involved in your appetite, memory, movement, and pain threshold.

Medical researchers find that medical marijuana controls nausea and vomiting in people who receive chemotherapy for cancer.

It can significantly reduce pain in painful conditions like arthritis, MS, cancer, and nerve damage. It shows a reduction in muscle spasms in MS and other conditions.

Legal Considerations

 To date, in 2024, 38 states, three territories, and the District of Columbia legalized the use of a wide range of marijuana products for use. Yet, under federal law, these products remain illegal.

Call Us Today!

If treatment options repeatedly fail to help you, perhaps it's time to find out more about the use of medical marijuana for your unique and individualized health circumstances.

Call Dr. Singer and Dr. Rankin at 877-565-6293 at Coastal Integrative Medicine in Stuart, FL, to schedule a medical cannabis or other consultation appointment. You may be pleasantly surprised at how medical cannabis may help you increase your quality of life.

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Coastal Integrative Medicine


9:30 am-5:00 pm


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